Our annual Open Day is held a few weeks after our exhibition each year, this year it will be on Sunday 3 November 2024 at our club room, Wrecclesham Community Centre, Greenfield Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8TJ. It is open 10 – 4, entrance is free. Tea, coffee and bacon and sausage baps will be available.
We will have layouts Haydon Square (O), some OO9 modules of Straight and Narrow, Hazelbury Junction (OO), and the N Gauge test track. There will also be some members layouts on display.
There will be the club second hand stall and one trader.
We try to make this a fun day so all attendees can join in, try operating our layouts, and bring their stock and get advice. Note wheelchair access is restricted to the main hall, there is no wheelchair access to the club room itself.