Beginners Workshops

Workshop on soldering

We regularly run a series of workshops for beginners, we we are running them again in 2025.  Though aimed at newcomers more experienced modellers are welcome to come and learn new skills.

All workshops begin at 5 pm and last for about 60 minutes, though some may be as long as 90 minutes. The following courses are planned for 2025, the first will be on January 22nd. We will try to have a workshop every alternate week after this, though inevitably some dates will need to be moved.

22 JanDesigning your layoutDHKeeping it simple!
5 FebBuilding a baseboardAWBasics and options
19 FebRealistic, reliable trackNLRealistic track geometry, reliable operation.
5 Marno talk planned
19 MarBasic electricity 1DHFundamentals, safety precautions, power sources, components
2 AprBasic electricity 2MLMUse of basic test equipment. Controllers
16 AprHow a model loco worksCRMain components, pickups, motor, commutator, common faults.
30 AprSoldering technique 1NWBasic safety then hands on assembling MERG basic kits.
14 MaySoldering technique 2NWContinued, electrical soldering.
28 MayWiring the layoutCRApplying 'basic electricity' principles
11 JunScenery - generalRHBasics - landscape, hills and contours, seasons, rural/urban, use of perspective.
25 JunBackscenesNLPurpose, pitfalls, how to produce one.
9 JulTrees deciduous and coniferDHHands on - make and dress the armature.
23 JulCard buildings 1CWMaking a Metcalf kit.
6 AugCard buildings 2CWFinish kit
20 AugThatchingDHMaterials provided.
3 SepLighting the layoutPMGeneral illumination. Buildings, streets, yards.
17 SepSignalling the layoutNLWhy, what, where, when.
1 OctPainting and weatheringPS/CWHand brush V airbrush v spray. Weathering powders
17 OctDecalsNLDifferent types, applying decals.
29 OctRolling stock maintenanceCleaning, back-to-backs, couplings.
12 Nov3D printingJCDemonstration
26..NovIntroduction to DCCGPTheory and practice. Control functions.

Lecturers: DH-David Harrington: AW-Andrew Wrobel: NL-Noel Leaver: GP–Greg Phillips: EJ-Ed Jackman: CR-Chris Roberts: RH – Richard Harris: TH-Terry Hillyer: NW-Neil Watson: CW-Chris Webster: PS-Pete Smith: JE-Julian Evison: JC-John Chase: PM – Paula Martin

For club members PowerPoint presentations for some of the workshops are available in the members only area in case you miss one, and we hope to video this years workshops and then make them available.