Constitution. The club has a formal constitution that specifies the rules for the management and membership of the club. Amendments to the constitution can only be made at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting by a majority vote. Click on the link above to see it; copies are displayed on the club notice board.
Club Officers. The club is managed by a committee consisting of the executive committee of 3, the exhibition manager, 5 layout group representatives (N, OO9, OO, P4 & O), and membership secretary. Committee meetings are held 4 times a year or more often if appropriate.
The executive committee consists of:
Chairman Jon Falconer
Secretary Richard Puddephat
Treasurer Paula Martin
The chairman, secretary and treasurer can be contacted through the address on the home page of this web site.
Child Protection. The club strictly complies with The Children Act 1989 for all Junior Members. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a close relative or guardian when attending the club rooms. Once a Junior Member achieves their 14th birthday, and if it is agreed by both the Club’s Executive Officers and the parents/guardians of the Junior Member, they may attend meetings and other Club events unaccompanied, on receipt of a signed permission form which is kept on record. This policy also applies for the club annual exhibition held at the Connaught Centre, Aldershot and where club layouts are invited to other exhibitions.
Click here to view the club’s safeguarding policy.
Disability. The Wrecclesham Community Centre has parking adjacent to the front door, wheelchair access to the main hall and is equipped with disability toilets. However, no access is available to the clubroom itself as this is not provided by Farnham Town Council. The club welcomes disabled members to attend from 2.00 pm on Wednesdays.