OO Gauge Group

The OO Group, as its name suggests, models  OO Gauge 4mm to foot scale on 16.5mm gauge track.

The members interests are mainly BR and Big Four steam with some green diesels. Modern image and North American are also represented – even Hornby Live Steam. Although most Group members stock operates as DC, DCC also makes an appearance.

On the  fourth Wednesday of each month the Group erects either its Exhibition layout   Hazelbury Junction (see separate section) or the Group’s test track. The test track is a 16 feet by12 feet oval and has five 16,5mm gauge tracks. One of  the tracks is dual gauge with 16.5mm and 12mm gauges so allowing TT gauge stock to be run. Also one track has wiring to suit Hornby Live Steam. Any of the tracks can be run with DC or DCC. The test track is now some fifteen years old and Group thinking is turning to planning a replacement.

On other Club nights members are putting finishing touches to our Hazelbury layout or bring their own modelling projects to work on. Within the Group there are a range of talents to provide advice and help to other Group members. Help is also available from members of other Club Groups. Members are also involved in building the “charity layout” which is to be raffled at the Club’s Annual Exhibition later in 2024 in aid of a local charity.

New members are most welcome to join us to run their trains or do their own modelling.

The Charity Layout

As mentioned above the OO Group are building a layout to be raffled at our Exhibition in the Autumn. Work has been continuing each Club night through the spring and summer. The layout is now complete and the photo below shows the finished layout.

An arial view of the partly finished layout.

Layout build stages

The baseboard

The accompanying photo shows the underside of the baseboard. The base board is approximately five feet by three feet with the idea that it could be stored under a single bed. The baseboard top is formed from Ravatherm, a rigid foam insulation board, while the supporting framework is a sandwich construction formed from thin plywood with a rigid insulation foam core. This means that the baseboard is very light but is still rigid. The supporting framework is glued  to the top with No-Nails adhesive.

The Track

Once the baseboard was complete the track was loosely laid on the baseboard to finalise the track layout and the positions of the main buildings. After marking the track position strips of cork sheet were glued to the baseboard so as to be under the track. The track, Hornby set track, was then pined to the baseboard. The points which are of the insular frog type – so no frog switching, are operated by solenoids situated on the underside of the baseboard. All the wiring is on the underside of the baseboard while the two DC track controllers and the point switches are located In the front corners of the baseboard – see the photo above. One of the Controllers controls the inner circuit while the other controls the outer circuit. Once it was satisfied that the track and points were operating correctly the track was ballasted.

The Buildings & The Scenery


The main buildings – the station, and the lineside signal boxes are Metcalfe kits while the Goods Shed and its ancillary building are Scalescenes. All have been built by the team mostly at home. The scratch built thatched pub in the corner was donated to the layout by a fellow Club member.

The road bridge was scratch build using card as the base material and then covered with brick paper. The platforms for the Station and Goods Shed rest on supports of a honeycomb of card again scratch built.

The grass was laid using various scatters fixed with PVA as well as static grass in some areas. The shrubbery is the usual flock again fixed using PVA. The trees have been made by the team members.

The backscene is a mountain and hillside scene by Railway Modeler. It was pasted on to plywood cut to suit the layout back and sides and then fixed to the layout base. The wall along the layout’s front is made up with a rustic brick paper on a plywood base.